I'll never forget you. Our relationship was an extreme roller-coaster ride, but the lows were always my fault, not yours. You showed me what it was to be a servant. Through you, God worked in me a servant heart. He wanted me to learn to serve Kolkata, and that I did. So much of my old self died with you, learning how to sacrifice my needs, comforts, rights, and selfish ways. Through learning how to put you first, I've realized I can now probably put anything and everything first. You were a great challenge to me, forcing me step out in faith alone, causing me to put my faith into action. Through serving you, I had to cling tight to my faith in Jesus as protector and lover of my soul, and sure enough, here I am on the other side not only unharmed but a better person. I shed a lot of my old self and old ways while there with you and now you have my heart also.
I think you are beautiful and I hold so much hope for you! I see Jesus working hard in your midst Kolkata, shoving His way through any door that will even crack open to Him! Please turn to Him so you will be fully restored, shining in the brilliance of the India that you were always meant to be, reflecting a very distinct flavor of God that only you can show! I long to see you with God's kingdom reign, with Jesus as the King of your nation, and oh, how beautiful you will be! How exotic and wild, gorgeous and rich! Not even the British who held you in splendor could have even fathomed your full potential. I see deep jewel toned colors, gold and silk, clean streets that sparkle and shine! No poverty, no illness, no caste system, no false gods, no idols! Just a beautiful, exotic Indian nation praising and worshiping Jesus! You are meant to shine India! You are meant to be breathtaking!! I pray the work of the cross over you... May you become what you were always meant to be!!
Love always,
PS I gave you my all, and I can only pray that that made some sort of lasting impact within you. My hope is that my work glorified Jesus, making Him better known to you.
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