Getting to work with Life Connection ministries and the Howrah children was such an amazing experience! God did some major work in me during that time and I'll never forget it. There are over 200 children orphaned at Howrah train station currently. Most of the kids have no idea how they even got there. They have no choice but to live cruel lives of survival, much like the survival of the fittest, so it is a very violent, tragic, and animalistic style of living for these children. There are about 50 girls, but mostly boys, and all the children seem to be highly addicted to glue huffing. Huffing glue suppresses their appetites, which is the initial reason for partaking in it, but it doesn't take long for these children to become horribly addicted.
Death is no stranger to these children. Some die from rolling off of rooftops in their sleep to 100+ feet below. Many fall on train tracks getting cut literally into pieces, while others are murdered by other boys in fits of rage. Just the night before we arrived at the station, two boys died from huffing too much glue on a train causing them to become disoriented and they fell from the train onto the tracks of the express train coming from the opposite direction. They were hit and both boys died instantly.
They collect bottles around the train station to make money. 3 bottles = 1 rupee. With this money they buy mostly glue, but some food as well. The girls at the train station seem to have it the worst. The seek out the older boys who have more money and offer themselves for glue or for basic survival needs. They will also marry very young, around 12, to find some feeling of safety in being protected. One girl that I spent some time with, Najne, was only 15 and had already had 4 or 5 miscarriages. She would get pregnant by her husband and then huff so much glue during each pregnancy she would lose the baby every time. Even while we were there spending time with them, they were pouring glue onto clothes right in front of us. I don't even know if they know how to hide it.
While all this is happening in the Howrah train station where literally millions pass through every day, these children remain unseen. They are considered the "untouchables" of the Indian cast, and most wouldn't even take the time to look down on their existence because surely it was karma that put these children in that place to begin with. The tragic stories of the kids don't even make the local paper. They are unseen, unheard, and unloved - they are voiceless. Even though they went so long without being seen or loved by people, God saw them and loved them, and created a plan!
Life Connection ministries was started by a Indian Christian missions family who felt called to Kolkata and didn't even know why. Through obedience in following, Jesus led them straight to Howrah Station and to the children there. God is so good! Life Connection is only now getting up off the ground, having started only two years ago, and has only 9 full time staff members of whom are all family. They are fueled by volunteers, but there the field is plentiful and the workers are far too few. They go to the station 3 days a week to spend time with the kids, loving on them and doing whatever they can to win their trust and respect. 2 days a week the ministry invites the children into their ministry house to bathe them, give them new clothing, shave their heads (most have a bad case of lice), feed them, play with them, and to teach them about Jesus. When I was there, there were 10 kids who decided to stay with the ministry full time. These boys told the staff that they didn't want to go back to their lives at the train station, so they have taken these boys in full time, and there was one more boy added in the week that I was there. We helped to teach these boys not only more about Jesus and the love of God, but also English, math, and writing.
It was such a privilege and honor to get to work with this ministry, and during my time spent with them God worked so much in my heart. As I learned to lay down my rights, comforts, and needs for these beautiful kids, they won my heart over completely. Now if you knew me, you would know what a HUGE deal that is! Let's just say I'm not a kid lover. :) But these kids seriously were some of the most beautiful, giving, and loving children that I had ever met in my entire life. It blew my mind really. They wound up being the highlight of my day and the joy they brought me was like no other. There were a few in particular that I so badly wanted to take home with me! I wanted to save them from their lives, but I don't believe that's what God has planned for them. Their ministry will be most likely right there in India. What powerful testimonies they will one day have! World changers they will be! You don't grow up in that kind of a life, find Jesus, and then become mediocre about Jesus and what He has done for your life! They will have passion and zeal!! I know it with all my heart! God bless those precious children!
I long to raise awareness for this ministry. The stories I could tell about the staff members and their financial struggle breaks my heart. The church in India is very small and poor, so support is minimal at best, and these workers give their whole lives and hearts to this cause. They work seven days a week to care for these boys with no breaks or holidays. They need help! Nabin, our contact and leader of Life Connection, even asked if I would come back and work with them full time. I promised that I would at least raise awareness for their cause and do what I could, and I don't want to break that promise. These missionaries work so hard, you wouldn't believe it! The contacts that we were with would sleep whenever they could get a chance. On the trains, buses, taxis, whenever they weren't moving. All in all, they know and I know that God is good and that He will provide because this all was His will and plan in the first place.
Again, 50% of my art sales will go directly the Life Connection family to sow into their ministry and what God has called them to do! I also have their direct contact info if you are interested in supporting them directly, just let me know. There are some photos attached!!
Love to all!!